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Metaggio Press Policy

Last Update:

  • Purpose

    • The purpose of the Metaggio Press Policy is to establish guidelines for all interactions with the press and media. This policy ensures that all communications are consistent, accurate, and align with Metaggio's values and objectives.
  • Scope

    • This policy applies to all employees, executives, and authorized representatives of Metaggio. It covers all forms of media interactions, including interviews, press releases, social media engagements, and any other communication with journalism professionals or media outlets.
  • Policy Statement

    • Metaggio is committed to maintaining open, transparent, and professional relations with the media. Our goal is to provide accurate and timely information about our operations, initiatives, and events while protecting our proprietary and confidential information.
  • Designated Spokespersons

    • Only designated spokespersons are authorized to speak on behalf of Metaggio to the press. Typically, these include the CEO, the Public Relations Manager, and other individuals explicitly designated by the Public Relations department.
    • All media inquiries should be directed to the Public Relations department, which will coordinate the appropriate response or designate the appropriate spokesperson.
  • Media Inquiries and Responses

    • All media inquiries received by employees should be immediately forwarded to the Public Relations department.
    • The Public Relations department is responsible for coordinating and approving all official responses to media inquiries to ensure they are consistent and align with Metaggio's messaging and objectives.
  • Press Releases

    • The Public Relations department will manage the creation, approval, and distribution of all press releases.
    • Press releases must be reviewed and approved by the designated authority within Metaggio before distribution.
  • Social Media

    • Official social media accounts are considered a form of press engagement and fall under this policy.
    • Posts, responses to comments, and direct messages on official social media accounts must be managed by the Social Media Manager or designated representatives in line with Metaggio's social media strategy.
  • Confidentiality and Proprietary Information

    • Employees and designated spokespersons must not disclose confidential or proprietary information to the press without explicit authorization from Metaggio's legal department.
    • All communications must adhere to Metaggio's confidentiality policies and relevant legal requirements.
  • Training

    • Designated spokespersons and employees involved in press relations will receive training on this press policy, including how to handle media inquiries and the importance of maintaining confidentiality.
  • Policy Violations

    • Violations of this press policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
    • Any unauthorized communication with the media should be reported to the Public Relations department or Metaggio's legal department immediately.
  • Policy Review and Updates

    • This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in media relations strategies, organizational goals, or legal requirements.
    • Employees will be notified of any significant changes to the policy.